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Shed Building Front 12' Plan Design3554 viewsShed Building Front Plan Design displays a 12' wall with a 8'x7' door under the gable's 6" overhang. To the far left and right we see the roof's 12" overhang.

Shed Building Plan 16' Right Design2259 viewsShed Building Plan displays a 16' long wall 8' tall right plan design.

Storage Shed Building Plan 24' Right Design15198 viewsStorage Shed Building Plan 24' Right Design

Right 20' Gambrel Shed Plan Design1317 views20' Gambrel Shed Plan Right Design displays 8' tall walls with a 24"x42" double hung window.

Shed Building 24' Left Plan Design2763 views16'x24' Shed Building Left Wall Elevation Design displays the plans 8' tall walls including a 36"x36" double hung window under the roof's 12" overhang. To the far left and right we see the roofs 8" gable overhangs.

Shed Building Plan 24' Right Design1737 viewsShed Building Right Plan Design displays a 24' wall with a 36"x36" double hung window.

Gambrel Pole Barns 40x48' Floor Plan479 viewsFloor plan layout of the 40x48' pole barn includes a gambrel style roof, 36x48" windows, 36" right hand entry door, and 16x10' overhead door.

48' Right Wall Elevation419 viewsThe plan's 48' right wall view displays 16' tall wall under the gambrel roof.

20x24 Gambrel Shed Plans Right Design2004 views20x24 shed plans right view.

30 Foot Left Design1617 views30 foot design displays 36"x36" double hung window. To the far left and right we see the gable roof's 8" overhang.

30' Right Design1229 viewsGarage Building Plans 30' Right view displays a 36" R.H. entry door with divided lights. To the far left and right we see the gable roof's 8" overhang distance.

Garages 20x30 Floor Plan Size177 viewsThis 20x30 garages floor plan selection has the door on the right side and closer to the front of the building. The workbench is also shown drawn in.