Most viewed - Barn Building Plan Designs |
Gambrel Barns 40x48' Back View 423 viewsThe back view of the plan shows the 40' wall with 36x48" slider windows. Using single hung windows versus double hung may save dollar amounts for your new windows.
Top Barn Building 50'x90' Large Plan Design421 viewsTop Barn Building Large Plan Design displays a 4/12 gable roof.
48' Right Wall Elevation418 viewsThe plan's 48' right wall view displays 16' tall wall under the gambrel roof.
Large Barn Building 50'x90' Back Design405 viewsLarge barn building back design displays 14' tall wall including a 36" R.H. entry door topped with a 4/12 sloped roof.
Your 60' Right Horse Barn Building Design404 viewsHorse Barn Building 60' Right Design displays an 8' tall wall.
Horse Barn Building 36'x60' Left Plan399 viewsHorse Barn Building 60' Left Plan displays an 8' tall wall height.
36x72 Barn Floor Plans Design398 views36x72 large barn floor plans design displays a layout including two 12'x12' garage doors. The dashed lines represent the gable roof layout showing a typical steel barn design with the steel as the only overhang distance.
36 Feet Wall Length397 viewsBackyard side of the plans design displays a 12'x12' garage door in a 14' tall wall 36 feet long.
45 Foot Front View of Barn396 views45 foot front view displays two 60"x24" sliding windows and a 14'x12' garage door in 15' tall walls.
40x48' Plan's Cut View395 views16' walls are shown in the shell of the 40x48' barn design.
Large Barn Building 36'x72' Front Cut Plan Design394 viewsLarge Barn Building Front Cut Plan Design displays 14' tall walls including two 12'x12' garage doors.
Find the Right 90' Large Barn Building Plan Design388 viewsThe Large Right 90' Barn Building Plan Design displays a 14' tall wall including a 36" L.H. entry door and a 12'x9' garage door.