Most viewed - New Garage Floor Plan Designs |
40' Left Plan View224 viewsLeft 40' elevation view pictures a 36" entry door and 36x36" double hung window and a 12" side overhang distance.
28x24 Garages Floor Plan220 viewsThis floor plan view displays dimensions.
Top View191 views24x24' Building plans top view pictures a siding color that is Grand Sierra pebble clay.
Wall Framing Picture188 viewsWall framing for the 30 x 24' featured plan with the middle 24' section only shown once as it is the same on both sides.
30x24' Building's Floor Plan185 viewsGarage floor plan with 16' of concrete approach.
Front183 viewsFront view of the 24x24' plan pictures a 7x18' garage door.
Two Car Garage Plan's Top View174 viewsTwo car plans top view pictures two 9x7' garage doors under a 4/12 roof slope.
Garage's Left View173 views24x24' Plans left elevation pictures a 3x3' double hung window under a 4/12 sloped gable roof with 12" overhangs.
34 x 24 Two Car Garage Floor Plan171 viewsTwo car garage building floor plan with a 12 x 24' area for a work shop and a work bench wall to wall.
28' Front171 viewsFront view of the plan displays two 9x7' garage doors.
Wall Framing Picture for 24x22 Garage164 viewsWall framing illustration for 24x22 garage.
34x24 Garage Plan for Free162 views34x24 Garage floor plan with dimensions.